Thursday, June 19, 2014

Managing Your Clan in Clan Wars

In order to have a shot at winning in Clan Wars, your clan has to have maximum participation in attacking, donating and setting up effective defenses. In addition, you have to think about your clan's composition (ie, does it have more beginners or more mid-level/advanced players or a mixture of both). Your clan composition and numbers will be considered when your clan is being matched with an opponent.


The basic principles apply. If you are setting up a new clan, have a buddy or someone you trust act as a co-leader to help you out. If you want to participate in clan wars, make sure you make it clear that participation is mandatory (Note: you need at least 10 players to participate.)

There are several ways to find people: global chat, person to person, certain youtube channels or other forms of social media pertaining to Clash of Clans and Forums. Do NOT promise free Co Leader to just anybody unless you know them well. My old clan fell apart this way when these elders and co-leaders did whatever they pleased. My old clan lost good players because of this so be careful. You also want to be careful on who you promote to elder as well.

Building relationships and trust with clan members is good too. You never know, you could see them again, even if you quit the clan and move else where. Or you can recruit them for your new clan or vice versa. When my old clan fell apart, members went their separate ways. Three of them formed a new clan. The leader of the new clan liked me and another member so much, she had 2 other people looking for me until they found me. I joined her clan and was immediately co-leader (I was co-leader in our old clan too). She went out looking for another old member and put me as leader of the clan. I also went on Facebook and recruited a friend who was also in the same old clan I was in. Two days later, she found that member and I stepped down from leader to co-leader. This display of relationship and trust at the high level is observed by other members and those who were new that day stayed. So far in my current clan, we have 7 members who were in the same old clan and it's very nice. No stupid politics and members can enjoy playing and socializing as well.

How Often Should My Clan Go To War

Now that you have a decent relationship between clan members, you want to establish how often you want to participate in Clan Wars. Declaring war everyday is a bad idea. Rather, you want to establish, with input from other members, how often and when the war should be. You must take into account the time it takes to upgrade defenses, spells, army barracks and troops and see if members are okay with participating while their stuff is still upgrading.

Going to War too often will use up a lot of resources and many people cannot keep up with that type of game play especially those who work or are students. If the clan goes to war every day for a long period, members will not be able to afford the resources needed to win and will not be able to get the maximum stars needed to win. Then people will stop participating or quit the clan all together. The leader and co-leaders need to make sure the war is sustainable to everyone to increase the odds of victory. Allow members upgrading to leave the clan and let them join after war is declared works well too.

There are several strategies for use out there for clans that are available: Clan Wars Tactics and Attacking Strategies in Clan Wars.

Another reason for not going to war everyday is that you clan lessen the impact of hoppers in your clan and at the same time, those who are new and serious will get a chance to join. Remember, you want to maximize participation and/or odds of participation in the wars. Taking the time to talk to members including new ones and waiting until declaring war will help your clan a lot.

Additional Pointers
If you want your clan to participate and win as many wars as possible, you want to make it clear that participation is mandatory or members will get kicked. For more laid back clans, you want to be more diplomatic but at the same time, you want to encourage participation as well. If you are a leader or co-leader, screen your elders and members and lead by example. Kick people out who trolls or harasses other members. You may also want to kick out inactive members or those who don't participate. Also, enforce rules and regulations as set by your clan. When your members respect and trust your clan's leadership, your clan can start winning wars.

Lastly, DO NOT accept members during the Clan Wars unless you know them well. During wars players can create a bogus account, join the rival clan, snap shot all of the bases and forward this information to the opposing clan. During Clan Wars, keep you clan closed until the war is over. Make sure elders and co-leaders don't invite during this period either. Do NOT accept unknown accounts into your clan during the battle phase.

Upgrading During Wars
If you are upgrading your defenses (archer tower, cannon, mortars, infernal towers, x-bows and telsas) during the preparation phase and the upgrades are not completed by the end of the preparation phase, your defense will still work but be at the original level prior to the upgrade. Lets say your lvl 4 wizard tower has 14 hrs before going to lvl 5 and there's 13 hrs until the battle. Your war base will still have that lvl 4 wizard tower even after the 14hrs where your 'real' base has the lvl 5 wizard tower. It is advisable to have a set war schedule and time your upgrades. Traps that are upgrading during the preparation phase that don't finish before battle will be inactive.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The Tales of Two Loots in Clan Wars

The information regarding loot is tricky. Hopefully this will clear things up and help you manage your resources.

Available Loot
In Clan Wars during the battle phase, there will be some resources available in the opponent's storage's for you to loot and immediately gain. However, the amount is really small compared to the loot. In this screen shot below, the available loot that you can immediately take is displayed on the upper left hand corner. This is similar to regular game play. This loot you gain the the attack will be gained, regardless of the outcome (win or lose). This is the sequential order of the battle this is to help you somewhat see how the loot is gained. This is NOT calculated into the War Bonus.

Since this base was 3 starred in the battle, all of the loot was also taken: 34,000 gold, 34,000 elixer and 20 dark elixer. Remember, this loot isn't much. However, it helps replenish your resources a little bit. You get it right away (goes to your storages after battle), NOT to your clan castle.

War Bonus
The War Loot Bonus is the bonus that is bigger than the available loot. Each opponent on the opposing clan has different War Loot Bonuses depending on the difficulty of the opponent (based on troops, defenses, spells, walls, etc.

On the map, here is one of the opponents attacked. Upon victory this War Bonus is automatically calculated assuming the attack is won (at least one star).

This base was also attacked and 2 starred. Though it was only 2 starred, the War Bonus is the same as long as at least one star is attained. However, not all of the available loot was collected in this case.

With the 2 victories in battle the ideal War Bonus is calculated. If your clan wins, you gain these earnings and they are deposited into your clan castle.

If your clan loses or ties, you will gain about 20% of the total War Bonus at the end of the war. In other words, you and your clan mates will lose about 80% on their earned War Bonus and only keep around 20% of the earnings. Bear in mind, these are based on individual performance.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Attacking Strategies in Clan Wars

Good and calculated attacks from each clan members are essential to winning wars and bonuses. This also includes maximum clan member participation. This is a guide to help you and your clan.

This TH 7 base was 3 starred by another TH 7 player. 3 Healing
Spells were used instead of healers to save space for troops.

Planning and Strategies

Each clan is different. Though it is common to follow attack recommendations by the game, it is up to the clan members, co leaders and leader to decide. Here are some of the strategies used to win. Keep in mind, all of these strategies require maximum clan participation and communication. With the new updates, members can opt out of war. Make sure those in war will participate or you'll just have less attacks to go with.

1. Following attack recommendations by Clash of Clans. On the map, it will highlight recommended targets to attack which minimizes extensive planning and scouting on opponents. However, recommended targets don't always guarantee maximum 3 stars. This does create a starting point in choosing who to attack based on one's abilities and the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent.

2. Bottom up strategy: This involves targeting easier opponents in the first part of the battle in Clan Wars. This allows the clan to quickly gain the lead in the early phases of the battle and boost confidence in other members of the clan. This confidence can encourage maximum participation in the battles. This does require some planning and autonomy from clan members. Attacking too hard of an opponent will result in no stars while attacking too easy opponents will result in lower town hall level members being forced to attack harder opponents. The following will have to be followed for the strategy to be effective:
     a) The -1 rule: members attack opposing members who are a level below their town hall                      level.  For example, a town hall 9 will attack a town hall 8, etc. Depending on the members'            abilities, the plan may call for members to attack opponents 1 town hall below them twice or          once- then attack opponents of their level whom they think they can win and maximize stars          on.
     b) A member should NOT attack an opponent who is more than 1 level below them. The only
         exception is when the weaker members have maxed out on their attacks and the member is
         'clean up' by maxing out the stars on a lower opponent who was not 3 starred in the previous

     c) This tactic is useful when not every member of the clan participates (ie: 1-4 members  

3. Letting lower town hall members attack first during the battle phase. Then let the more advanced players attack on a later phase of the battle. This cuts down on wasted attacked especially if advanced players attacked other advanced players but cannot win or maximize stars in the attack. By letting lower town hall members attack first, the clan can adjust their strategy accordingly within the 6-12+ hours in the attack. Higher level players may also 'clean up' remaining lower town hall opponents who weren't 3 starred.

4. Town hall sniping: though frown upon by some players this can be a way to gain a star or 2 for some players stuck with attacking more advanced players. For example, a town hall 4 member on a clan will be out matched with 5+ so they may attack an opposing player with an exposed town hall.

Variations of these strategies can be mixed somewhat depending on the clan and their members. For example a clan can have town hall 6's and below attack one opponent town hall level below them and the others at their level. Once all the 6's and below attack, town hall 7's and above can clean up and/or attack using the similar strategy.

Individual Strategies

Choosing an opponent and capitalizing on their weakness will help you gain loot and help your clan win. Scout the bases during the preparation and battle phases. Seek help from more experienced clan members of your clan if possible. Most are willing to help. Likewise, help your clan mates by relaying information about the opposing clan and their tactics.

 Ideally, you want to try to maximize your troop upgrades and spells as much as you can. Upgrading you Army Camps will boost up your numbers needed to take on more challenging bases. Another forgotten aspect is your clan castle. Get it up to a level 3 to have more storage spaces for more troops or a dragon. For clan wars you can have a set to defend your base and use another set of clan troops to attack.

Time will be ticking the moment you drop your troop(s). Try to draw out the opposing clan castle troops and/or heroes away from the defenses and rid them first. Use spells to supplement your attacks. And attack from multiple directions so it makes it harder for defenses to zero in. If there is an open spot within the base, it could be a trap. Drop one barbarian in and see what happens. If there are traps, they will go off. Once it goes off, send the rest in. Do NOT attack in long waves. If you do, you give the defenses a chance to deal with multiple attacks. Send the troops out from multiple directions and in short waves.

This attack was blown. The walls delayed the giants allowing for the defenses to zero in. Had the attacker attacked the top portion without the wall the attacker may have been able to gain a star. Strategy is especially important if you have an Army space less than 190.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Tactics for Clan Wars

Clan Wars is a feature on Clash of Clans that allows the match up between clans. It can be fun as it builds cammadarie between your clan members. I'll be going into some of the tactics and will not bore you all with the features since there is a lot of information on the features out there.

Planning is the key to winning wars. If possible, use the 24 hour prep period to build your troops and donate to members. Relay any intelligence about the opposing clan by letting your clan members know. If your clan is new, you may want to talk to each other more about who is going to attack who. Let new members what the expectations and plans are. The feature also 'recommends' a target for you so that you don't attack someone too easy or hard but I seldom use it. It just depends on what your goals are and what you have in your arsenal.

Personnel management is key to a successful war and knowing how the size of the clan affects your strategy. 15 vs 15, 20 vs 20, 25 vs 25, 30 vs 30, 35 vs 35, 40 vs 40, 45 vs 45 and 50 vs 50 are the numbers for matches. If a clan has 30 members and another clan has 33, the match will be set for 30 vs 30. The clan with 33 players will have 3 players with the lowest trophy count and/or new members (from previous warring clans) as spectators. Spectators cannot donate to war castles or partake in attacks for clan war. Bigger clans are not always better. It is best to experiment with the size and combinations of your clan and see what works for you.

Attack Tips:

There are several tactics each suited for different players and situation. A common tactic is trying to attack the opposing clan member of your level (the recommended target feature). However this may not be efficient in terms of getting the maximum amount of stars. To maximize stars, have some members work from the bottom up and 3 starring the opponents. We use the -1 rule for our clan. For example, some of our TH6 guys will attack TH5 opponents, etc. More advanced players can target other advanced players. Everyone in the clan must be involved in attacking. Generally, the clan that has more attacks will likely win given most are won.

Though opposing members can be attacked more than once given they haven't been 3 starred, it is often a bad idea to try to one up a teammate who has at least 1 starred the opposing member. The system in place does not calculate the cumulative stars for both attacks. For example, if you 1 star an opposing clan member and your clan mate 2 stars the same member, your clan earns 1 star. By doing this, he/she wasted an attack. The only exceptions is if you clan is winning by a lot (like by 40 stars), you just want to gain more loot or the remaining players on the opposing clan is too advanced for you to attack.

Stars are earned by the amount of damage caused so attack accordingly. I attack as if I'm trying to earn the max trophies possible. Tactics that are used for farming sometimes don't work against well defended bases. For me, I don't use goblins in Clan Wars.

Lastly, when attacking, be aware of the opposing clan troops. In Clan Wars, clan troops that are use for defenses replenish automatically after each attack (if you plan on using clan troops in an attack, you have to request them via your clan castle). I have seen several attacks fail because of this. They can easily turn the tide of an attack so if possible, lure them out and kill them before dealing with the base's defenses.
Here giants keep the defenses busy while the archers and dragons quickly neutralizes the clan troops.
As of summer of 2015, there is a tie breaker in wars. Which ever team that has the most damage percentage in a tied war will win. It is vital that if you star, you continue to attack and not end the battle early.

Defense Tactics:
This base could have easily repelled this attack had the town hall been properly
defended. Instead, it was 1 starred despite being only 41% damaged.

Most bases that works in trophy hunting will be effective for Clan Wars. You don't want to use a farming base where the town hall is out side. The clan troops requested/given via Clan Wars menu, infernos, x-bows and traps are all replenished after each attack on Clan Wars. For farmers, resources on the base for Clan Wars don't have to be protected as much since the amount of loot earned is fixed and doesn't not come from your base. A new feature on Clan Wars now allows you to set up a permanent and separate base for Clan Wars so you don't have to change your base for each war. Use this new feature to your advantage. Several defenses also have 1-3 buildings on the corners of the map to prevent players from 3 starring the base.

This base is a good base for both Clan Wars and game play. This town hall 7 base is close to maxed out.

Getting Rich. In Clan Wars:

Well, it may seem like an oxymoron to get rich from Clan Wars but it can happen. Being able to plan and choose a target can get you lots of loot if your clan wins. Especially if you clan is winning by a lot, you don't have to worry about getting 3 stars for the attack. Just use enough troops to get 1-2 stars and you're golden. I have gained a number of resources- particularly dark elixer this way just using archers, giants, barbarians and few wall breakers. This usually involves attacking harder opponents. However, be aware that you will only get the maximum amount of loot your clan castle allows!

Other Tips:

1. Be wary of those who joined your clan at the start of the war. When war is declared, the Clan Leader or Co-leader should switch to 'invite only.' This is to prevent the opposition from 'studying' your clan during prep phase and battle phases of the war. If they are members, they can read chat logs, messages, look at and take a screen capture of all your clan's bases. Then they can relay information to your opposing clan. 

2. If you have to kick someone out of the clan, do it after the war period and before declaring war. Once you declare war and the opposing clan is match with yours, the servers will take a screen shot of all the clans and it's members. If you kick out the member(s) during this period, they cannot participate but are still targets for the opposing clan members. In addition, your clan is guaranteed to have less attacks than the opposing clan, putting your clan at a disadvantage.

3. It is easy to get carried away with using expensive troops and spells. Again, this goes back to planning and takes experience to maximize efficiency while reducing cost. A challenging but fun aspect of the game.

4. From time to time, look at attack replays and learn from them. It could be a difference between success and failure! This is true when you are trying to attack an adversary that successfully defended your clan mate's attack.

5. If you are a spectator, you can still donate troops the regular way via clan castle to your clan mates and relay relevant information. However, you cannot participate in Clan Wars.

6. Be aware of clan members who quit during the wars. If they do, you lose the number of attacks for your clan but they are still targets for the opposing clans. If a member quits the clan after the war is declared then rejoins the same clan (without being a member of another clan) they can still participate in the same clan war. Spectators and new members will not be added until the next war.

7. You can possibly avoid participating in Clan Wars by lowering your trophy count to the bottom 4 or lower). If your clan is matched with a smaller clan, Supercell will try to make the numbers even by eliminating the new members or the members with the lowest trophy count in the bigger clan (usually the bottom 4).

8. In an event of a loss, the members of the losing clan get 25% of their total war loot. To gain war loot one must gain at least one star in each attack. In an even of a tie, both clans are treated as losers and the total war loot is 25% of the original gained.